Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast Reduction Surgery in Kolkata

Breast reduction surgery or reduction mammaplasty is performed to reduce the size of excessive large-sized breast along with its reshaping and tightening. Patient seeks breast reduction surgery to overcome physical, social and sexual embarrassment.

Candidates for Breast Reduction surgery:

Excessive large-sized breast causing neck and shoulder pain.
Difficulty in daily activities, hard to find out clothing, social embarrassment and teasing.
Respiratory distress, skin ulceration and fungal infection.

Surgical procedure:

Multiple techniques are of choice for Breast reduction surgery, but Dr.saha advocates vertical scar technique for invisible scar and good nipple areola sensation, although breast amputation with free nipple graft is mandatory for gigantomastia(hugely large breast) where all other technique failed. Breast-feeding and pregnancy are not interfered with Breast reduction surgery. Liposuction is sometimes added to Breast reduction surgery to give better contour of the patient. Complications of Breast reduction surgery vary from wound infection, loss of nipple areola sensation to nipple loss, wound break and unequal breast size.

breat reduction surgery in kolkata

Cost of Breast reduction surgery at Cosmetic-Therapy

Package system for Breast reduction surgery is available at Cosmetic-Therapy clinic. The cost is the best bargain of the city claimed by Dr.Saha, head of the clinic.

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