When we speak of breast cancer, we almost at all times assume that it is a disease that is restricted to ladies. In fact, this is a growing concern amongst most middle-aged women. However, in case you are a male, the bad news is that this is a disease that could also affect males as well. The month of October marks the month of breast cancer awareness month. The irony is that most people link this disease only to the fairer sex. But many expert oncologists are of the opinion that both males and females have similar breast tissues. With such tissues present in both the sexes, with an imbalance in the hormones the breast tissues could turn cancerous in either sex.
Indicators of the Disease
It is important that in case of the eventuality of any such disease initially there may be a lump in the chest or even below the armpit. There could also be a nipple discharge as well as scaling in the region. Worldwide, it is seen that men usually in the age group of 60 to 70 years suffer from this disease but in the case of India the age group is men in their 40s and 50s. If one is obese, poor diet, smoking and drinking are factors that might cause the disease. Thus in case, you are in that age group and also have poor lifestyle habits you need to be extra careful. Apart from this the males who suffer from the condition of gynecomastia stand at high risk of getting affected by the disease.Â
Breast Cancer Tests and Treatments
In order for early detection, the tests include tests like the mammogram, Ultrasound, Tru-Cut Biopsy, which are usually done under local anaesthesia. Once detected the treatment must be done early as well. These include treatments like Chemotherapy and radiation. The treatment usually largely depends on which stage cancer has been detected. In fact, surgery also might need to be undertaken. It also might include the use of certain anti-hormonal drugs that are administered by the doctor.
If you suffer from Gynecomastia you must treat the problem
It is possible that you are suffering from Gynecomastia that is enlarged breasts as a young male. The cause of the condition is many. These could include hormonal imbalance and so on. Though it might seem harmless upfront, at the same time, you shouldn’t neglect the condition and have it treated early. After all not only could do a lot of psychological damage but at the same time, it could also be the potent cause for breast cancer amongst males. In case you are based in Kolkata then Cosmetic Therapy is the best for treating Gynecosmatia in Kolkata.Â